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"Smile for the birdie . . . " Zzzzzzzzzzzzzap!
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Author:  joelr [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  "Smile for the birdie . . . " Zzzzzzzzzzzzzap!

As part of their experiment to see just how blatant they can lie in court and get away with it, Portland PD, not wishing to have their search of a car taped, tasered the guy who was taping it and explained that he might have used it as a weapon.

Surprisingly: the woman cop shouting hysterically on the film was not, however, charged with prostitution because, having a vagina, she might have decided to rent it out.

Author:  Scott Hughes [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Smile for the birdie . . . " Zzzzzzzzzzzzzap

joelr wrote:
Surprisingly: the woman cop shouting hysterically on the film was not, however, charged with prostitution because, having a vagina, she might have decided to rent it out.

Thanks Joel, DOG GONE I SURE LOVE A GOOD BELLY LAUGH :!: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  someone1980 [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Better arrest the men too, they might be Johns.

And for their shoe laces, you can use those as a belt of a machine gun, or even to turn some semi-auto rifles into assault weapons! ;)

Author:  kimberman [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Portland, OR police department works full time on improving it's BAD image.

Author:  Binky .357 [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow. Incredible. At first I thought this might be evidence of blowback from the Brett Darrow incident in St. George, MO, but then I looked at the date and realized it happened almost a year earlier.

One of the things I wonder about this (and other) incidents is, if I was to have security cameras plainly posted at various strategic areas around my house and the police pulled something along these lines, how far could/would they go to "secure" their "crime scene"? If a camcorder being held by had is equivalent to a club, is a remotely monitored and controlled camera equivalent to a claymore?

I do remember the one incident where the police charged a homeowner/landlord in a New Jersey incident for his closed circuit setup; they claimed he broke the privacy laws by recording the auido side without their consent.

The other thing is, could one "get around" the one party consent rule by posting a clearly visible sign stating "Closed circuit cameras and Audio Recording Devices in use on this property; by proceeding, you give consent to being recorded.", or something to that effect?

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