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URGENT: Hunter "convenience" bill SCREWS metro re
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Author:  plblark [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you and thank her for all of us.

Author:  plblark [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Where is the NRA in this Hunters' Convenience bill that is turning into just another compromise at the expense of Gun Rights?

Perhaps they're hoping to play good cop to our bad cop and depending on the hard work of GOCRA and the many diligent Activists in MN to get the hard work done.

Perhaps they're trying to reserve their political capital for bigger fish.

But what they may not realize is that by bypassing THIS particular iceberg, they're setting us ALL up for a much harder battle when what's hidden just below the surface of the bill comes back to bite us.

After all, if government can discriminate by zip code (see the latest nightmare from Chicago), then why not by city, by street, or even by house number?

You'd think it would be simple for the NRA to point out to a local legislator that while they appreciate his diligence and spirit, the current bill is just too much risk for the small reward.

I urge you to contact the local NRA-ILA liaison and convince him to get the NRA in the game and on the side of ALL gun owners.

Or is the NRA now willing to accept, by default, the creation of two different classes of gun owners?

Author:  realtor_packing_heat [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

plblark wrote:
Where is the NRA in this Hunters' Convenience bill that is turning into just another compromise at the expense of Gun Rights?

This is where the NRA is - According to the most recent update on the NRA-ILA website they are supporting it :x

Pro-Hunting Reform Advancing in Minnesota Legislature

Friday, March 13, 2009

On Thursday, March 12, House File 128 was referred to the House Public Safety Policy and Oversight Committee after it successfully passed the House Environment and Policy Oversight Committee. Introduced by State Representatives David Dill (DFL-6A) and Tony Cornish (R-26B), HF 128 would allow hunters to have uncased and unloaded long guns and a bow with an unnocked arrow in a motor vehicle. Under current Minnesota law, a hunter leaving his/her deer stand cannot legally accept a ride in a motor vehicle, no matter what the circumstances may be, without his/her gun or bow in a case.

On Thursday March 5, HF 128’s companion bill, Senate File 1225, was introduced by State Senators Satveer Chaudhary (DFL-50), Tom Saxhaug (DFL-3), and Gen Olson (R-33). SF 1225 is currently pending action in the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee.

Please contact the members of the House Public Safety and Oversight Committee and urge them to support HF 128. Also, please contact the members of the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee and voice your support for SF 1225. Contact information can be found below.

I hope that is just an old update!

Author:  plblark [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

and precisely WHY is the NRA supporting legislating away our rights by Zip Code!

Add the NRA to your call list please!

Author:  mrokern [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

To be fair, the objectionable language was added in the last couple of weeks, likely AFTER the update quoted above.

The point still holds, though. We need to tell the NRA-ILA that the bill in its current form is no longer a positive piece of legislation.


Author:  realtor_packing_heat [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just emailed my local NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinators -

Cedric Scofield


Dave Nelson

Author:  Andrew Rothman [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Please post the NRA contact info!

Author:  Jeremiah [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:46 am ]
Post subject: 

realtor_packing_heat wrote:

This is where the NRA is - According to the most recent update on the NRA-ILA website they are supporting it :x

Pro-Hunting Reform Advancing in Minnesota Legislature

Friday, March 13, 2009

On Thursday, March 12, House File 128 was referred to the House Public Safety Policy and Oversight Committee after it successfully passed the House Environment and Policy Oversight Committee. Introduced by State Representatives David Dill (DFL-6A) and Tony Cornish (R-26B), HF 128 would allow hunters to have uncased and unloaded long guns and a bow with an unnocked arrow in a motor vehicle. Under current Minnesota law, a hunter leaving his/her deer stand cannot legally accept a ride in a motor vehicle, no matter what the circumstances may be, without his/her gun or bow in a case.

On Thursday March 5, HF 128’s companion bill, Senate File 1225, was introduced by State Senators Satveer Chaudhary (DFL-50), Tom Saxhaug (DFL-3), and Gen Olson (R-33). SF 1225 is currently pending action in the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee.

Please contact the members of the House Public Safety and Oversight Committee and urge them to support HF 128. Also, please contact the members of the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee and voice your support for SF 1225. Contact information can be found below.

I hope that is just an old update!

Note that the Senate bill, SF 1225, does not currently include the metro exception: ... ssion=ls86

Time to contact the relevant Senators and work to ensure the same language isn't added there...

Author:  plblark [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Here's one way to contact the NRA-ILA:

Here's what I sent:
I was shocked when I noticed the NRA is taking a positive position on the Pro-Hunting Reform Advancing in Minnesota Legislature

While the original intent of this Hunters' Convenience bill was noble, the authors have allowed themselves to be held hostage by Metro area anti-gun politics. They have allowed a poison pill in the form of location based laws to be entered into their bill and are being willfully ignorant of the terrible precedent this sets.

We know that outstate hunters aren't willing to turn their metro-area friends into second-class citizens for the sake of being able to leave a shotgun case at home.

This poison pill amendment is a trap. Like any trap, it's baited there is always tasty-looking cheese in it but that's small consolation when the trap is sprung.

Where is the NRA in this Hunters' Convenience bill that is turning into just another compromise at the expense of Gun Rights?

Perhaps you're hoping to play good cop to our bad cop and depending on the hard work of GOCRA and the many diligent Activists in MN to get the hard work done. Perhaps you're trying to reserve your political capital for bigger fish.

But what you may not realize is that by bypassing THIS particular iceberg, you're setting us ALL up for a much harder battle when what's hidden just below the surface of the bill comes back to bite us.

After all, if government can discriminate by zip code (see the latest nightmare from Chicago), then why not by city, by street, or even by house number?

You'd think it would be simple for the NRA to point out to a local legislator that while they appreciate his diligence and spirit, the current bill is just too much risk for the small reward.

Or is the NRA now willing to accept, or actually endorse, the creation of two different classes of gun owners?

Author:  kimberman [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:30 am ]
Post subject: 

The Director of NRA-ILA is Chris W. Cox.

Try or or or, etc. They'll probably all bounce, though.

Author:  plblark [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:34 am ]
Post subject: 

ccox is the only one of those that hasn't bounced yet

May also try

Author:  djeepp [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Cornish's response:

Rep Cornish is voting yes!

Sent By:

"Tony Cornish" <> On: Apr 04/16/09 12:28 PM

Author:  mrokern [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:33 am ]
Post subject: 

What are the odds that Cornish is pushing back so hard because he's desperate to get SOMETHING passed that the GOP can point at as a positive (even if it's not)? Yes, I know Dill is DFL, but this allows the GOP to point and exclaim "See, we're still relevant! We played a part!"

Is there a single MN GOP strategist with a brain?

And yes, I'm bitter over their new hires this year. Instead of picking operatives who would have stood their ground, they chose campaign-types. I should deliver copies of "Conscience of a Conservative" to both the House and Senate offices...


Author:  djeepp [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Rep Cornish is voting yes!

Sent By:

"Tony Cornish" <> On: Apr 04/16/09 12:28 PM

Cornish may be a good guy politically, but this kind of response is pure BULLSHIT!
Not only is he blatantly ignoring his most important base (PTC holders), but this kind of flippant response is completely disrespectful. The least he could do is create a canned response thanking us for their interest and explaining his position instead of a blank email with a five word subject line.

Author:  realtor_packing_heat [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Andrew Rothman wrote:
Please post the NRA contact info!

This is what I used

Cedric Scofield
Saint Paul, MN
Contact This Evc

Cedric Scofield
Saint Paul, MN
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Cedric Scofield
Saint Paul, MN
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Jay Petrell
Ramsey, MN
Contact This Evc

Dave Nelson
Fridley, MN
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