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Somebody owes me $30.00 and I am pissed!!
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Author:  1911fan [ Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Somebody owes me $30.00 and I am pissed!!

I got there kinda late tonight, had a good time talking to and matching faces to a lot of the screen names I see online here. HOWEVER, as one of the last ones to leave it was I who discovered from our hard working waitress that someone had skipped on their tab.

Now this is a political action meeting, people discussing and learning about this freedom what we all hold dear, AND the one thing we can not afford to do is have someone savage all that political good will we work so hard at fostering by doing something so stupid as skipping a tab.

I paid the tab, so if you had a Summit, a bar pour bourbon, a cheeseburger and a classic burger, I bought you dinner and drinks and I am not happy about it. You want to PM me and learn where to send the money I will come back on here and clear your reputation.

Author:  Fixxer [ Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

We paid our tab, but if nobody steps up for this one, I'll be glad to help.

The evening was fun. We just got home. It was cool meeting everybody!

Author:  JDR [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Didn't drink any of the above or eat anything. If no one steps up, I will be wiling to help split the bill. Someone made a BIG mistake. :cry:

Hope someone steps up to the plate. :)

And thank you 1911fan for saving our reputation. :!: :!:

Author:  gunflint [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:57 am ]
Post subject: 

It wasn't me because I wasn't there but I've been to gatherings like that before in fact it was a Fire Dept board meeting and I got so engrossed in the evenings discussions that I completely forgot about the tab. I went back and paid it the next day. So I wouldn't be so quick to accuse someone of skipping out. Maybe they just forgot.

Besides that, how did it go? If I lived down there I would have gone.

Author:  tepin [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:53 am ]
Post subject: 

That sucks. At least no one got shot last night. :P

Author:  Jeremiah [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Somebody owes me $30.00 and I am pissed!!

1911fan wrote:
I got there kinda late tonight, had a good time talking to and matching faces to a lot of the screen names I see online here. HOWEVER, as one of the last ones to leave it was I who discovered from our hard working waitress that someone had skipped on their tab.

Now this is a political action meeting, people discussing and learning about this freedom what we all hold dear, AND the one thing we can not afford to do is have someone savage all that political good will we work so hard at fostering by doing something so stupid as skipping a tab.

I paid the tab, so if you had a Summit, a bar pour bourbon, a cheeseburger and a classic burger, I bought you dinner and drinks and I am not happy about it. You want to PM me and learn where to send the money I will come back on here and clear your reputation.

I was sitting with 1911fan, and thankfully, the waitress got paid, and we didn't get a black eye.

Let me know- I'll chip in if it doesn't get sorted out.

Author:  MNBud [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Please, lets not jump to conclusions AGAIN. There was a lot of confusion when we first met in the basement and the lone waitress took drink orders and food orders and then everyone picked up and moved to three areas upstairs and she was trying to sort drink and food orders. She had admitted to my table that there was people accepting wrong orders. We ordered only fries and they were paid for at the time they were delivered, which I assumed was how all orders were handled.
Granted there were some really shady looking characters there
:wink: I'm really leaning toward confusion to be the culprit and not someone stiffing the waitress,so can we just do this like ladies and gentlemen and not start it out being accusatory (if thats a word).
If there was someone that didn't get a check for their food and drink order could you please contact 1911 fan for reinbersment.

Author:  1911fan [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Well the topic title was chosen to get attention. But frankly I do find it upsetting, it is pretty easy to keep track of whether or not you paid for your food. Someone who had that tab did not pay, hopefully they will remember today and get in touch with me, as i said, if they PM me i will keep it to myself, not meaning to roast someone publicly. I am however upset at this that someone MAY have tried to take advantage of the situation to get dinner for free....

Author:  jac714 [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I was with 1911 fan, I will add my voice to the group hoping it was an oversight. I also agree that it is a pretty difficult thing to forget.

I want to thank 1911 fan for taking the initiative to save us this embarrassment. These small things will hurt as as a group more than some of us may realize. I can picture the discussion with the waitresses (hypothetical) anti friends about how the evil people not only had guns but they stiffed her on the bill as well.

Oh well just my .02.

Author:  Old Dude [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

It seems we overwhelmed the staff there. I think the move from downstairs to the game room helped the meeting go better, but added to the confusion of the staff. I know the servers did their level best under the conditions they had. Obviously, our numbers were something they didn't expect.

That said, four of us stuck together through the night and kept close watch on our tab. I tend to tip well under any circumstances, and I tipped especially generously last night because I knew how much stress our mere presence there caused the staff.

I'm hoping against hope that it was just an oversight and that somebody will realize they somehow ended up not paying--and will step forward. Given the size of our crowd and the rampant milling about, it could happen. I would not be shocked, though, if somebody had tried to stiff the waitress. I would be very disappointed. But, that also happens.

Author:  ttousi [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I spoke with the waitress several time and she said despite the confusion everything was cool. I specifically asked if the group was tipping and she said "yes". Wanted to make sure she was taken care of.

I suspect it was an oversight on someone's part and they are probably pretty embarrassed. Lets not make it worse for them by assuming it was intentional. When it has been taken care of I see no need to post the name(s) unless it is done by the forgetful person(s).

Count me in to help cover if this does not get done.


Author:  Fixxer [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

That is exactly why I love this place. When something goes wrong, y'all are decent enough to step up and be part of the solution, and not the problem.

Hats off to you folks. There aren't enough decent people left in the world (at least my world).

Author:  Fixxer [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maybe I missed it, but was it the waitress who skipped out on, or was it the waiter?

We had a hickory burger, a cheeseburger, onion rings, and a couple of sodas (and a small bottle of white zin), and ours was $28 something. We were served by the waiter.

Author:  someone1980 [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

We were guessing that 40-50 people who show up. Sue said that there were about 75 there at one point. People kept showing up. The last I heard from Joel, he was thinking there were probably 100 people.

When the waitress came to our table she asked how we wanted to pay for things. I commeted that for the night she should just collect when the food hits the table because the entire group will be moving around.

Author:  chinakay [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

It took us a good 15 minutes, standing next to the cash register at the bar, to get our tab paid. We had to wait till the dude felt he could give us enough time to add up a couple of burgers.

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