Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

Laws re: gun use and animals
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Author:  Nixie [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Laws re: gun use and animals

Some of the nicest dogs I know are pitbulls. A bad owner can make any dog mean, even goldens and other "nice" dogs. If you are worried about a dog I would recommend some Mace/Pepper spray as it will really mess up the dog without you having to kill it right away - plus, if there is a dog on / really near your kid are you really that good to hit a moving dog and not your moving kid? Under that much stress?

Author:  plblark [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Laws re: gun use and animals

pepper spray / mace is not a all situations tool either. My kids are asthmatic. by-spray is a BAD thing for them too.

Author:  gunflint [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Laws re: gun use and animals

I carry a .357 revolver for self defense I don't carry spray. This is one of the reasons I don't care for these "what if" scenarios. Keep in mind that I live in the country and have no little kids around. We do have an idiot neighbor who lets his 2 pit bulls run. I've run into them a couple of times in my yard. I haven't drawn on them yet as they usually run away when they see me.

Author:  macphisto [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Laws re: gun use and animals

boomingmetropolis wrote:
That springer is no longer with us.

Don't leave us hanging! What happened to it?

Author:  kecker [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Laws re: gun use and animals

boomingmetropolis wrote:
Have a rather large dog that I walk at least a couple times per. Of course, there's always other hounds out there, some of which are spoiling for a tussle. Out one morning and a ratty looking springer spaniel comes running off a porch and comes for my mutt. The owner stands there, watching this like it's light entertainment.

I yelled that if the springer bit either me or mine it would be his LAST meal. The owner turned and walked back in the house.

That springer is no longer with us.

Curiosity and all that. How did you dispatch said Springer? And how did the aftermath go?

Author:  boomingmetropolis [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Laws re: gun use and animals

As a rule, I put down my own critters when it's 'their time'. Over the years I've found one in the left ear is almost 100% foolproof and the animal doesn't suffer.

We had a lot of rain here during this period. Not much to see, the next day. I still walk the same route every morning. And the .45 still goes with, every time.

But, of course, it's always concealed, (Rule # 1) so you wouldn't notice that. :)

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