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"Guns in America" on National Geographic Channel
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Author:  Leonard_Loh [ Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  "Guns in America" on National Geographic Channel

Apologies if this is a repost. MSN is apparently carrying a video excerpt from the show at the moment. The hsow itself is on 12/9 at 2200 et.

Author:  Sixstring [ Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the heads up. My Tivo is on the job.

Author:  gunflint [ Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Typical Mainstream gun program. Very little positive. Mostly the "dark side" of gun use in the USA. Fathers day in Nevada looks fun though.

Author:  jmaynard [ Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:08 pm ]
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Oh, I'm sure they thought they were balanced, and they did show that one mother looking at getting a gun in a positive light...but how many cops did they have to talk to to find the two or three that were anti-gun? Why did they conflate the gang issue with gun ownership? (We all know the answer, of make people fear guns.)

Author:  gunflint [ Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

They never did say if she got a gun or not.

Author:  Sixstring [ Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:53 pm ]
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So should I bother watching it or just delete it?

Author:  chunkstyle [ Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:01 am ]
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Sixstring wrote:
So should I bother watching it or just delete it?

Watch, and post your opinion.

Author:  atripp [ Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:51 am ]
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I saw the first bit of it before i left my friends place. We basically just sat there and pointed out where they were being pretty anti.

Author:  Leonard_Loh [ Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:09 am ]
Post subject: 

All I could remember from the show was all the Philadelphia cops talking about officer safety and the "massive firepower we (the cops) are up against."

How about the safety of the law-abiding public?

Author:  SultanOfBrunei [ Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Yea, I agree with jmaynard, I am sure they THOUGHT they were being balanced.

I had to chuckle when the older Philly cop was talking about how difficult it would be to disarm the populace.

Author:  ree [ Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Here are some familiar quotes injected in to the middle of a segment on about a woman who became concerned about her own ability to defend her family after the alarm went off one night, her husband grabbed a gun and found the front door open. She started wondering what she'd do if her husband had been shot. Could she defend her kids:
Here's the dark side to having a gun the house: Well over half of the 28,000 people who die from gunshots every year pull the trigger themselves. And a gun is 22 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder.
:roll: :roll: absolutely no dissection of those statements and what they really mean.

Talking about a guy who's now an American citizen, but fought the Turks in his native Cyprus. He has a big selection of guns and works with his wife and two daughters to make sure everyone really knows how to use them:
Still, if this cache of weapons ever were stolen, chances are they would make it into criminal hands.

On Castle laws:
...You can shoot to kill someone on your property even if they are unarmed or retreating.

They followed a Philly officer who had been shot in the face with a shotgun during a stop. On his second day back on the street after recovering:
Officer: When you're in a neighborhood that you normal for drug activity and violence...gun violence and you approach somebody, you have to take that into consideration that they may be armed with a gun.
<officer chasing a witness draws his gun> Yo, yo! Put your hands up, put your hands up. <aiming at back of guy who was running away now stopped with hands up>
Narrator: This is the first time he's pulled out his weapon in the line of duty since being shot.
Officer: They're not running because they want to play tag. They're running because they want to get away.
Now if you catch up with them and they want to get away from you that bad, and they have a gun, they're going to try and shoot you. I keep that in mind when I'm working. It's a lot easier to take your weapon out, and put it away when you don't need it, then when you do need it to take it out. It's all about your personal threat level...whether or not you feel like there's a chance that this person might harm you or try to take your life away. So in my opinion, I'm not taking any chances.
Dandy to this point. Now while showing them walking the guy they arrested (i.e. not the suspicious witness), the kicker:
Narrator: Decoatsworth was glad to be carrying a weapon, and even happier he didn't have to use it.
Officer: The only reason that I have a gun is because I'm a police officer. Other than that, I don't think I'd have a need for one. But unfortunately these people have a right to own guns. And they're going to exercise that right.

The first statement is a sentiment that I believe (or at least home) most of us who carry hold dearly. And it has nothing to do with being a LEO.
The 2A smear by the cop stank largely.

They did bring up a variety of more pro-ish things. But they did it spinning in a pretty bad way. For example:

- Showed a police captain pointing out that gun control wouldn't have much effect:
Captain: gun control? I guess it would have an effect, you know, but it may be a little to late,maybe like closing the barn door after the horse gets out. There are so many guns on the street now that it'd be very difficult for us to get them all off the street.
Narrator: No matter how many guns the police confiscate, it doesn't seem to make a dent.

Remember this is in the context of criminals using them illegally in bad neighborhoods.

- Philly city council flouting PA preemption statutes and getting overturned, and Heller helping open door for new court challenges across the country:
Narrator: "The Philadephia city council unanimously passed 8 gun control laws in 2007. A year later the Pennsylvania state court ruled that Philadelphia was not entitled to set its own laws. That same month, the US Supreme Court struck down a 32-year ban on handguns in Washington DC stating that an absolute firearm ban was unconstitutional according to the 2nd amendment. This sparked a string of lawsuits across the country, causing cities and stated to defend and reassess their gun control laws. All bad news for the police.

All in all quite biased, rather subtly, against guns despite showing a few segments demonstrating positives of gun ownership/use and despite several statements from the Philly department that the I say subtly because your average person doesn't pick up on all the 2A and gun bashing stuff said. But when you have an understanding of the facts behind the statements, and the exaggerations and even lies used by the writers, you can't watch it without being upset. Sure it was better than a Brady news release, but not much.

Author:  SultanOfBrunei [ Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:12 am ]
Post subject: 

ree wrote:
...absolutely no dissection of those statements and what they really mean...

I don't recall them going in depth as to what any of the stats meant.

And in regards to if the guy's guns being stolen and then eventually making it into criminal hands... wouldn't they be in criminal hands as they are being stolen???

Author:  ree [ Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:46 am ]
Post subject: 

SultanOfBrunei wrote:
ree wrote:
...absolutely no dissection of those statements and what they really mean...

I don't recall them going in depth as to what any of the stats meant.

And in regards to if the guy's guns being stolen and then eventually making it into criminal hands... wouldn't they be in criminal hands as they are being stolen???

Exactly why I posted that quote. They almost certainly meant being used illegally on the streets. But besides being simple asinine statement, it sounds remarkably similar to statements from those who would like to criminalize failure to report a stolen gun or making the lawful owners of guns that are stolen liable for their subsequent criminal use.

Author:  Lenny7 [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Guns in America" on National Geographic Channel

I just watched this show last night. I love this quote:

Still, if this cache of weapons ever were stolen, chances are they would make it into criminal hands.

A real brain trust there.

But, the reason for my post is to let you know that it will be on again on October 12, 2pm. That's probably eastern time, but check for sure if you're interested.

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