Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

Employee handbook gun rules; does this violate the 2nd?
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Author:  rthib [ Wed May 27, 2009 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Are you that valuable an employee?

Once you enter your employers place of business, they set the rules.

A company has the right to violate all your US constitutional rights, they are not the government. The constitution was designed to limit the power of government - period.

Try calling your boss an stupid SOB and then when they fire you claim they are violating your first amendment rights to free speech.
Should answer your question about carrying at work.

Government should only protect against force and fraud - but that is a discussion for another day.

As a practical matter, unless you are a really valuable employee and/or independently wealthy - I wouldn't risk being a test case.

If you want to make sure you family is covered - send a note to HR informing them of your concern about workplace safety since you are not allowed to carry. Maybe they might change policy, and if not you are setting up the start of case for you estate to sue the company for reckless endangerment.

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