Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

%$^&*#$ Gangbangers!
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Author:  MNBud [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Always Moving

Tabsr wrote:
Like planting corn, your vote reaps the outcome of those you have chosen. Now enjoy the crop you have sown. An example is Minnesota with 50.0001% supporting the Saturday Night Live Senator, which we know is anti gun. Most pols are pigs in a personal trough.

Now I'm on the list!!

What the hell is this rant about??

Author:  TLRSKUNK [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

gunflint wrote:
By implying "by running you let the bad guys win" you're not defining the bad guys. If it were just between "us' and the gangs I believe that we could pretty much take care of things within a couple of years. You have to include all of the bad guys like the criminal justice system, the welfare system, liberal politics, one sided diversity celebration, the school systems, and many more bad guys. It's one thing to fight the good fight it's quit another to pick the battles that you can win and in today's urban / metro environment there's just too many bad guys for good guys to win.

What would happen to say a couple of gang members if they beat up a couple of forum members for money. Probation? maybe a year or two served. What would happen to a couple of forum members who beat up a couple gang members because they were gang members? That would be a hate crime and they would serve at least double the time. This battle can't be won. The fix is in.

my guess would be they would get shot more than once> :roll:

Author:  cuylar [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Always Moving

MNBud wrote:
Tabsr wrote:
Like planting corn, your vote reaps the outcome of those you have chosen. Now enjoy the crop you have sown. An example is Minnesota with 50.0001% supporting the Saturday Night Live Senator, which we know is anti gun. Most pols are pigs in a personal trough.

Now I'm on the list!!

What the hell is this rant about??

I think it's about the Senate loss.... And how close it was... Just guessing though.

Author:  Lobotomy Boy [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

If one of several very possible scenarios were to play out, like if a bond insurer were to fail or if states started to file bankruptcy, we could easily find ourselves in a situation where law-enforcement agency were so gutted that we would be forced to take the gang banger situation into our own hands. I'm not sure I want to stick around for that. Much as I'd like to stay and defend my property, I think when push came to shove I'd throw a few totes into the truck and take my wife and dogs up north to the farm.

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